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      <p ns="0" title="Continous Data" snippet="because the scale of measurement has meaning at all points between the numbers given. Continuous data can be shown on a number line, and all&lt;b&gt; ... &lt;/b&gt;" size="761" wordcount="113" timestamp="2017-11-02T14:23:49Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Semantics" snippet="|Ambiguities=Sign meaning &#10;|SubtermOf=Semiotics  and also philosophical, study of meaning, in language, programming&lt;b&gt; ... &lt;/b&gt;" size="791" wordcount="104" timestamp="2017-11-03T08:06:07Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Proposal for the OpenEnergy Platform" snippet="and statements on the OpenEnergy Platform (meaning the openmod wiki), logs&lt;b&gt; ... &lt;/b&gt;Platform. This search is a faceted search, meaning keywords (so called tags&lt;b&gt; ... &lt;/b&gt;" size="11029" wordcount="1749" timestamp="2016-05-17T14:00:00Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Albedo-Value" snippet="refers to the &quot;whiteness&quot; of a surface, with 0 meaning black and 1 meaning white. A value of 0 means the surface is a &quot;perfect absorber&quot; that absorbs&lt;b&gt; ... &lt;/b&gt;" size="1022" wordcount="144" timestamp="2017-11-03T09:48:09Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Choosing a license" snippet="the next version or release if all contributors (meaning copyright holders) agree or have previously agreed to the possibility of doing so, usually via&lt;b&gt; ... &lt;/b&gt;" size="18144" wordcount="2632" timestamp="2019-11-30T11:42:04Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Discussing an openEnergy Platform" snippet="Continuous integration of new datasets, meaning automated tests and comparisons of their results with the results of a simple reference dataset&lt;b&gt; ... &lt;/b&gt;" size="9533" wordcount="1459" timestamp="2016-08-31T13:04:57Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Discussion: Ways of model integration" snippet="models correctly, a clear understanding of the meaning of used terms and (input) parameters as well as information about the functionalities of different&lt;b&gt; ... &lt;/b&gt;" size="1622" wordcount="246" timestamp="2016-02-22T13:48:59Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Fact sheets for models, frameworks and scenarios" snippet="the user an overview of all energy system models (meaning executable programmes in contrast to data models??) for which a model fact sheet is available&lt;b&gt; ... &lt;/b&gt;" size="7191" wordcount="1137" timestamp="2017-05-12T09:46:00Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="INSPIRE" snippet="use of acronyms should be avoided. If used, their meaning should be explained. &#10;=== 2.7.2 Spatial resolution === &#10;Spatial resolution refers to the&lt;b&gt; ... &lt;/b&gt;" size="24005" wordcount="3693" timestamp="2016-11-23T13:39:08Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Azimut" snippet="of the Arabic noun &quot;السَّمْت&quot; as-samt, meaning &quot;the direction&quot;) is an angular measurement in a spherical coordinate system. The vector from&lt;b&gt; ... &lt;/b&gt;" size="703" wordcount="103" timestamp="2017-11-03T10:47:23Z" />
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