Data documentation
All data included in the databases has be documented!
Naming of data
Database Name
The name of the database is oedb
Database Schema
The structure of the database is realised via the naming of the schema!
- always lower case
- no points, no commas
- no spaces
- no dates
- use underscores
- name starts with type of schema
- orig for original data
- calc for processed data
- name includes distinct subject area or source
Example: orig_vg250
Database Table
- always lower case
- no points, no commas
- no spaces
- no dates
- use underscores
- name starts with the source (e.g. zensus)
- main value (e.g. population)
- if separated by [attribute] (e.g. by_gender)
- with resolution [tupel] (e.g. per_mun)
Example: zensus_population_by_gender_per_mun
All abreviations have to be documentated (in the)!