The following database rules explain the usage of the database called oedb, which will become a part of the openmod internet presence. For further details see also here.
Data Documentation
- All data included in the databases has be documented! On this wiki page you learn, how to do so.
- All abreviations have to be documentated in the!
Naming of Data
The data in the database is organised in schemata and tables, which names are important to find around.
Database Name
The name of the database is oedb.
Database Schema
The structure of the database is realised via the naming of the schemata, which follows the following rules:
- always lower case
- no points, no commas
- no spaces
- no dates
- use underscores
- The name starts with the type of the schema:
- orig for original data
- calc for processed data
- The name includes the distinct subject area or source.
Example: orig_vg250
Database Table
- always lower case
- no points, no commas
- no spaces
- no dates
- use underscores
- name starts with the source (e.g. zensus)
- main value (e.g. population)
- if separated by [attribute] (e.g. by_gender)
- with resolution [tupel] (e.g. per_mun)
Example: zensus_population_by_gender_per_mun
Data Integrity
Data Integrity is one aspect of ensuring data quality the in the oedb.
- Primary Key [PK]
- Grants to oeuser
Geografic Data
- WGS84 - EPSG: 4326 (
- ETRS89 / ETRS-LAEA - EPSG: 3035 (
Data Referencing
Original Data (orig)
Tables are annotated by a comment in form of a json string:
{"Name": "The Full Name",
"Source": ["Name", " / registation required"],
"Reference date": ["2013"],
"Date of collection": ["01.08.2013"],
"Original file": ["346-22-5.xls"],
"Spatial resolution": ["Germany"],
"Description": ["Example Data (annual totals)", "Regional level: national"],
"Table fields": [
"description"Unique identifier"",
"unit":"" },
"description"Reference Year"",
"unit":"" },
"description"Some important value"",
"unit":"EUR" }],
{ "name":"Joe Nobody",
"mail":" (fake)",
"comment":"Created table" },
{ "name":"Joana Anybody",
"mail":" (fake)",
"comment":"Translated field names"}],
"ToDo": ["Some datasets are odd -> Check numbers against another data"],
"Licence": ["Licence – Version 2.0 (dl-de/by-2-0; [])"],
"Instructions for proper use": ["Always state licence"]}
Processed Data (calc)
{"Name": "Results",<br/>"Date of collection": ["01.08.2013"],<br/>"Spatial resolution": ["Germany"],<br/>"Description": ["Financial key figures of German municipalities (annual totals)", "Regional level: municipalities, association of municipalities"],<br/>
"Table fields": [<br/>{"name":"id",<br/>"description"Unique identifier"",<br/>"description_german":"",<br/>"unit":"" },
{"name":"year",<br/>"description"Reference Year"",<br/>"description_german":"",<br/>"unit":"" },
{"name":"example_value",<br/>"description"Some important value"",<br/>"description_german":"",<br/>"unit":"EUR" }],
"Changes":[<br/> { "name":"Autor1",<br/> "mail":"",<br/> "date":"16.06.2014",<br/> "comment":"Created table" },
{ "name":"Autor2",<br/> "mail":"",<br/> "date":"17.07.2014",<br/> "comment":"Translated field names"}],
"ToDo": ["Some datasets are odd -> Check numbers against another data"],<br/>"Licence": ["Datenlizenz Deutschland – Namensnennung – Version 2.0 (dl-de/by-2-0; [])"],<br/>"Instructions for proper use": ["Always state licence"]}<br/>
Processed Data (calc) - Row Annotation
Each row has to be annotated by a json dictionary that must contain the following fields:
- origin: Link or textual description of the data set this row origins from.
- method: Method used to calculate this row from above origin (e.g. Link to a python script)
- assumption: A list of dictionaries. Each dictionary describes an assumption and annotates the affected rows.
- begin: First column affected by the assumption
- end: Last column affected by the assumption
- type: Type of the problem that had to be solved. Each type requires one or more additional keys in this dictionary. Possible types and their required additional keys are:
- gap: A not all fields could be calculated and/or filled,
- solution: Method that was used to generate date to fill this gap (e.g. linear interpolation)
- multiplicity: A field could be filled by several values
- values: Possible Values that could have been used
- solution: Method that was used to select one value (e.g. Minimum)
An examplatory dictionary:
"type": "gap"
"begin": "step_15"
"end": "step_34"
"solution": "linear_interpolation"