Germany (BMWi, BNetzA) plans to to develop a register of power plant data that covers all plants (“starting from 0 kW”) that supersedes the current “EEG Stammdatenbank” and the “BNetzA Kraftwerksliste”.
- geographic scope: Germany
- content: capacity, technical characteristics, detailed information such as hub height of wind turbines (“master data”)
- detail: individual blocks
- go-live: early 2017
- not included: time series of any sort; yearly generation data
- license: BMWi and BNetzA has not thought about a license yet
The consultation process is open now until end of August 2015. This page collects issue we would like to raise in the consultation.
Milestone 1 (deadline: 31 August 2015)
General points
- we support such a register
- should be published under an open license. (suggesting ODbL? [1])
Specific points
- the register should “think” European, be compatible with existing registers elsewhere.'Do we have specific examples? (ORISPL - Office of Regulatory Information System Plant Location (US)')
- the coverage of the data should become clear (e.g., "X% of all capacity is included; most missing capacity is small-scale gas-fired plants")
- There are > 800k PV installations - will these be included?
- Does Stromerzeugungsanlagen (EAS) distinguish between generators and boilers?
- Form EIA-923 & Form EIA-860 are excellent examples of how to manage data on the power sector
- Are market roles and functions linked? Or would we have to deduplicate things by hand? Also, what about companies that may have a joint partnership in a power plant? Or subsidiaries? Relations that change over time? Mergers & splits?
- Ability to track changes on a power plant site? A wind farm may be built in stages, generators may be decommissed, upgraded, etc. Primary fuel used may change as well.
- What format will the data be published in? Will it be machine-readable? The BNetzA xls database is mostly ok in this regard, but columns like Spezifizierung "Mehrere Energieträger" und "Sonstige Energieträger" - Hauptbrennstoff are difficult to parse consistently.
- Best would be to provide data in different formats: Georeferenced database table (online accessible and downloadable dump) and Spreadsheet. To keep costs low, spreadsheet should be derived from database table.
=> Relational DB (related tables for plants, operators etc.) to model structure including change history