A list of openly-available, preferably openly-licensed learning materials. Please add information on the materials and licence.
- CapacityExpansion by Patricia Levi & Lucas Elias Kuepper at Stanford University (2019, Homework in 'MS&E 394: Advanced Methods in Modeling for Climate and Energy Policy')
- Open Energy System Modeling by Daniel Huppmann at IIASA for TU Wien (2020, 7 lectures with slides and videos, CC-BY 4.0)
- Operations Research by Anthony Papavasiliou (2020, 18 lectures with slides and videos, unknown licence)
- Quantitative Energy Economics by Anthony Papavasiliou (14 lectures with slides and videos, unknown licence)
- Convex Relaxations in Power System Optimization by Carleton Coffrin and Line Roald at Los Alamos National Laboratory (2018, 8 lectures with videos, unknown licence)
- Open Electricity Economics collaborative material edited by Lion Hirth and Tarun Khanna of the Hertie School of Governance (20xx, online textbook, under construction, intended CC licence)
- Energy Markets of Today by Rudi Hakvoort and Laurens de Vries at TU Delft (2020, edX, material available on enrollment under CC-BY-NC-SA?)
- Electricity and Gas: Market Design and Policy Issues coordinated by Laurens de Vries at TU Delft (2020, OpenCourseWare, slides and videos under CC-BY-NC-SA)
- Energy System Modelling by Tom Brown at KIT (2020, 15 lectures with slides, videos and Python coding examples, CC-BY 4.0)
- Power System Economics by Baosen Zhang at the University of Washington (2017, 11 lectures with slides and Julia coding examples, unknown licence)
- DTU Summer Schools on Energy Markets and Optimization by many different lecturers (2016-2019, many lecture slides online from previous schools)
- Power System Economics by Daniel Kirschen (2013, dozens of videos, unknown licence)
- Switch home page by Switch authors (2015–18, open-access paper, tutorial and examples for Switch capacity planning model for high-renewable power systems)
- CO@Work Summer School on Combinatorial Optimization by TU Berlin, Berlin Mathematical School and MATH+ (Youtube Channel, Sep. 2020, Details see Website, unknown license)
- Renewables in Electricity Markets by Pierre Pinson, DTU (youtube lectures)
- Advanced Optimization and Game Theory for Energy Systems by Jalal Kazempour, DTU (youtube lectures)
- Power System Optimization by Jesse Jenkins (Princeton) and Michael Davidson (UC San Diego) (2020, Julia/JuMP notebooks and examples, under construction, CC-BY 4.0)
- Understanding the Energy System by OSeMOSYS Team (lecture slides, CC-BY 4.0)
- OSeMOSYS Video Lectures by OSeMOSYS Team (videos, CC-BY 4.0)
- Optimization of Engineering Systems by Ross Baldick of University of Texas at Austin (2018, lecture slides, unknown licence)
- Methods of Electric Power System Analysis by Tom Overbye of Texas A&M (2018, 27 lecture slides, PowerWorld examples, unknown licence)
- Power System Operation & Control by Tom Overbye of Texas A&M (2017, 25 lecture slides, unknown licence)
- WECC Training and Education by Western Electricity Coordinating Council (diverse slides and videos, unknown licence)
- Energy Systems Modelling by Felix Müsgens and Iegor Riepin, BTU Germany (lecture & turorials slides, GAMS coding examples, CC-BY-SA 4.0)
- Courses on Power Electronics, Electric Machines and Drives, Power systems & Renewable Energy from the Consortium of Universities for Sustainable Power (lecture slides and videos, licence unknown)
- PSERC Webinars (2011-2020, with slides and videos, licence unknown)
- Energy and Environmental Economics from Aalto University (2016, lecture slides, licence unknown)
- Energy Decisions, Markets, and Policies by Richard Schmalensee at MIT (2012, 22 video lectures, licence unknown)
- Energy Conversion and Renewable Energy by Fraincois Marechal and Stefano Moret of EPFL (2018, 23 videos, licence unknown)
- Introduction to Energy Modelling Course Pack by Taco Niet and Kamaria Kuling at SFU (2020, online textbook, creative commons license)
- Energy modelling outreach course by Leonhard Hofbauer at UCL (2022, handbook, spreadsheet models, CC-BY 4.0)
- Data Science for Energy System Modelling by Fabian Neumann at TU Berlin (2022/23, Jupyter Book)
- Open Power Systems Planning Models. Decision Support Models in Power Systems by Andres Ramos at Universidad Pontificia Comillas (slides and many open-source power system models)