within this breakout Group we like to discuss
* whom we want to reach
* which objectives we have (concerning the various target groups)
* the development of the openmod site (we will present and discuss the current state of the concept - proposal)
* collection of journals and conferences suitable for openmod
(Berit Müller (RLI); evtl.Martin Glauer (Uni Magdeburg))
- After the online discussion about misuse and quality of open data/modelling, I suggest to add that point to our agenda for the break out group "outreach"
open data
We would like to discuss
* how could a common data base be structured to serve best the energy system modelers?
* how could quality assurance be realized (meta data and data testing),
* how could it be integrated in / linked to the openmod site?we would like to present the state of development/planning that we worked out and have discussions about future developments
(Martin Glauer (Uni Magdeburg); Ludwig Schneider (RLI))