This category uses the form GlossaryTermForm.
Open Energy Ontology
The Openmod Glossary is no longer maintained. A team of energy system modellers and ontology expert is currently building the Open Energy Ontology (OEO) on GitHub.
What is a glossary?
A glossary, also known as a vocabulary, or clavis, is an alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge with the definitions for those terms. [wikipedia]
What is the main purpose?
We often face misunderstandings in discussions about energy system modeling while talking about it from different points of view or different disciplines.This glossary has the aim to develop a common understanding of terms in the field of energy system modelling.
How to handle multiple definitions for one term?
Every term can have several definitions. They are serially numbered. In this way the different understandings of a term become obvious and can be better understood and handled in future. The usage of terms can be discussed openly without dictating a certain definition.
Suggestion openMod 2017: add a disambiguation section in case different wording for the same term is displayed.
Grouping of words can lead to further disambiguation. When a user clicks on a particular term, they would be provided with a list of other asscociated ones (i.e solar power, PV panels).
It's not necessarily that there is universal consensus over one particular term.However, the description displayed at the top is that one that the majority agrees on.
What are the abbreviation used for?
Abbreviations are often used in code. Models often define their own abbreviations, which can differ from the ones used in other models. Therefore, different abbreviations may be displayed (example: abbreviations for the term "abbreviation": abb. [Model X], abbr. [Model Y]).
How to handle different terms for the same thing?
Every term that is used by the community can be added to the glossary. Similar terms can be linked in the category Synonyms.
Pages in category "Glossary"
The following 123 pages are in this category, out of 323 total.
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