About me / Places I've livedOver ten years of professional experience in economic research in the fields of: climate change and energy (projection of emissions and energy use, emissions control policies, carbon embodied in international trade), economic growth and development (growth accounting, economic institutions and growth, regional growth and development, transitional economies, ‘natural resource curse’, migration), macro- and monetary economics (monetary policy and financial markets, yield curve, fiscal policy and taxation), fiscal federalism.
Extensive experience and strong knowledge of energy and climate change models (TIMES/MARKAL, GTAP-E and others). Four years of experience in development and application of “energyRt” reference energy system models (TIMES-family).
Extensive experience with econometric methods: Bayesian inference, maximum likelihood; longitudinal.
Strong knowledge of Computable (Applied) General Equilibrium (CGE/AGE) models and relevant techniques. Experienced in developing, calibration and application of CGE models for policy evaluation studies.
Experience with DSGE models (in DYNARE/Matlab) and stochastic programming.
Strong programming skills:
Advanced programmer in GAMS (General Algebraic Modeling System), LP, NLP, MCP, stochastic optimization.
Advanced programmer in R, WinBUGs.
Advanced programmer in C++, CUDA C++, QT, MySQL.
Extensive experience with LaTeX, Emacs.
Extensive experience with Visual Basic for Applications (data processing and exchange between applications, user interface).
Substantial experience with: Linux OS, Matlab.
EDUCATION Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Aeromechanics and Flight Engineering, Moscow, Russia