This is the wiki page for the upcoming Fourth Workshop of the Open Energy Modelling Initiative, a grass-root organization of modellers from various European research institutes and universities. After two workshops in Berlin and one in London, the next one will be in Stockholm, Sweden hosted by KTH.The workshop takes place on 28-29 April, 2016. As always, there is no registration fee, so feel free to join!
This wiki page will be updated frequently; with a program and practical information. All participants are invited to contribute suggestions of different sessions to be included in the program. And in the meantime, feel free to register on the mailing list where all things regarding energy modelling are discussed.
Energy models are widely used for policy advice and research. They serve to answer questions on energy policy, decarbonization, and transitions towards renewable energy sources. Yet, most energy models are black boxes – even to fellow researchers. This is what we want to change. We are a group of modellers from various universities and research institutes who want to promote open energy modelling. We believe that Open Source models and Open Data will advance knowledge and lead to better energy policies. Our mission is to enable Open Source energy modelling by providing a platform for collaboration as well as tools along the full value chain of energy economics and energy system models. That is why we founded the Open Energy Modelling Initiative (openmod initiative) just a year ago. You are welcome to join us for our next workshop!
Practical information
Venue: KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
Dates: 28-29 April, 2016
Begin: Thursday (28 April) 10.00
End: Friday (29 April) 16:00
Day 1 (Thursday, 28/04) will be in room M311, Brinellvägen 68 and Day 2 (Friday, 29/04) will be in ‘Salongen’, KTH Library
Join our mailing list to receive updates.
Fee: no registration fee, but you will need to cover your own food and lodging expenses.
Accommodation option: Elite Hotel Arcadia is the closest hotel to the venue.
The workshop is hosted by the Unit of Energy Systems Analysis, KTH.
Live streaming of the workshop is available here!
We've now reached the upper size limit of the rooms booked for the workshop (50 people), so registration is closed! If addition space becomes available, we will re-open the registration.
All the information that you entered in the form is visible on the participant list, apart from your email address which is kept private.
If you run into any problems with the registration, drop an email to Tom Brown (brown at
If you would like to give a 4-minute talk, please edit the list of talks below (you have to create an account on the wiki and log in first - see the buttons at the top right of this page).
Everyone who has registered is visible on the participant list.
Proposed Programme
Thursday morning (Venue: M311, Brinellvägen 68)
10.00 Start
10.00 – 10.05 Welcome and important information (Abhi)
10.05 – 10.15 What is open-mod (Stefan)
10.15 – 10.45 Introduction (everyone)
10.45 – 11.30 Short talks and presentations (1-8) (plenary)
11:30 – 11:45 Coffee break
11.45 – 12.30 Short talks and presentations (9-17) (plenary)
12.30 – 13.30 Lunch
Thursday afternoon (Venue: M311, Brinellvägen 68)
13.30 – 13.45 Introducing break-out groups (plenary)
13.45 – 15.00 Break-out groups 1 (parallel)
15.00 – 15.30 Reporting back (plenary)
15.30 – 15.45 Coffee break
15.45 – 16.00 Introducing break-out groups (plenary)
16.00 – 17.15 Break-out groups 2 (parallel)
17.15 – 17.30 Reporting back (plenary)
18.00 End of day
19.30 Dinner at Restaurang Cypern
Friday morning (Venue: 'Salongen', KTH Library)
10.00 Start
10.00 – 10.15 Summary of first day
10.15 – 10.30 Introducing break-out groups
10.30 – 10.45 Coffee break
10.45 – 12.00 Break-out groups 3 (parallel)
12.00 – 12.30 Reporting back (plenary)
12.30 – 13.30 Lunch
Friday afternoon (Venue: 'Salongen', KTH Library)
13.30 – 14.30 TechTalks or other discussion
14.30 – 15.30 Wrap up, next workshop
16.00 End of workshop
A break-out-group is a workshop-like gathering of interested individuals for a timespan of 2-3 hours to actively discuss a common topic. All groups feature 1-2 organisers whose responsibility is to moderate the discussion and capture any results in written form (preferably in a shared Google Document [for easier simultaneous editing of all participants]).
The Third Workshop featured a total 22 break-out groups, which were considered too numerous in hindsight. At the same time, the breadth of covered topics. This section is the attempt to bundle similar break-out-group topics under more general labels to reduce the number of groups, while keeping their total scope as broad as possible.
Proposed Break-out Groups by Session
collecting data
data collection google doc
Power Plant Data
- collecting data sources, improving the data
- open-data collection for modelling Europe
- data quality assurance
- Weather and climate data:
Water/Energy model coupling
editable google doc
data structure organisation on the openmod site
- discussing the concept of a CKAN DB on the openmod-site
- data storage
- integrating data with the openmod website
- incorporating geospatial data into models
- spatial and temporal weather data interpolation
from talks
1) GIS Analyses for urban concepts;
- data management best practices
(continuing discussion - data quality assurance)
- techniques for flow based market coupling, electricity network modelling
- top-down modeling approach of electricity demand
NN (free for further discussions)
- modeling workflows (Pyomo, Pandas, R, GAMS)
- modeling best practcices
- objectives, target groups
- openmod online presence/platform
- conferences, publications (which journals??)
- projects
- interface between research and public
- questions of data manipulation etc.
Finding topics for break-out-groups
This table is an attempt to map the Break-out-groups from the Third Workshop to a smaller number of covered topics.
Third Workshop break-out-group name
Covered topic(s)
Open weather data
Open Data
Open Data
Use of models in government and industry
Model Factsheets
Open model testing
Demand side and storage
Tech, Modelling
Wind potentials
Open Data, Tech, Modelling
Hydro electricity
Open Data, Tech, Modelling
The Open Power System Data platform
Open Data
Pros and cons of Open Source modelling
Licensing, Outreach
Energy modeling for beginners
Coding, Modelling
OpenEnergy platform
Open Data
Open Access publishing in energy modelling
Outreach, Publishing
Openmod article
Funders best practice list
Data sources hackathon
Open Data, Coding
Openmod website
Which license fits my model?
Consultation “Marktstammdatenregister” BNetzA
Open Data, Outreach
Load-flow modelling / grids
Modelling, Tech
Python/Pyomo user group
Coding, Modelling
Proposed break-out-groups
With the previous mapping at hand, one could therefore propose the following topics. This list is open to discussion!
- Open Data Most probable candidate for splitting in 2-3 different groups: covers data publishing (where and how), data acquisition (from where and how) and possibly data processing
- Modelling (Mathematical) modelling techniques, algorithms, basically all conceptual work that is independent from the actual implementation (cf. Coding).
- Tech similar to Modelling, but more focused on the specifics of specific technologies like fluctuating renewables, power grid, power plants (generators, turbines, ...). Probable candidate for splitting, if many participants with divergent interests come together
- Coding software frameworks for modelling, data processing, optimisation, data visualisation; ask for tips, share tricks, present possibly helpful new stuff; possible split: introductory "course"-style group and a more advanced "sharing of experience"-style group
- Publishing is about (Open Access|Traditional|Other) methods of publishing one's research
- Licensing as about license questions for choosing the "right" license for one's own published works or for how to comply with the licenses of others' works. Possible overlap with Open Data
- Outreach is about increasing awareness for open (energy) modelling community with Openmod as a common banner. This includes discussing the common mid- and long-term goals, presenting the current progress
- Visibility is about increasing the reach of one's individual/institute's reach through various means. Possible overlap with Publishing
This list is of course open to discussion and change! Be bold and edit, suggest and edit on the talk page or the Openmod mailing list (currently the organisation of the break-out-groups is done on the googledoc: In the end, the existence of a break-out-groups lives and dies with people interested in discussing the proposed topics.
Proposed short talks and presentations
Please list your name and a proposed title of a specific topic or research activity that you would like to present (4 minutes talk, 1 minutes Q&A, maximum 3 ppt slides)
- PyPSA: Network modelling with free software (Tom Brown)
- Using causal network analysis to measure electricity market synchronisation (Giorgio Castagneto-Gissey)
- Ensemble forecasting in district heating (Magnus Dahl)
- Urban energy systems modelling & the HUES platform (Andrew Bollinger)
- Concept of expanding the openmod online presence (introduction to the breakout group (outreach)) (Eva Wiechers/Martin Glauer)
- open_eGo: Electricty Grid Optimization. GIS-Analyses for demand and generation data (Ludwig Schneider)
- Using Open GIS-data and Models for Spatio-temporal Analysis of Urban Energy Systems (Alaa Alhamwi)
- ONSSET: A GIS based electrification planning tool using open datasets (Alexandros Korkovelos)
- An open model management infrastrucuture: MoManI (Yousef Almulla)
- Model based analysis of policy measures and transformation pathways to a sustainable energy system in europe (Francesco Gardumi)
- state of open energy modelling framework (oemof) (Berit Müller)
- Opening Energy Modeling to unconventional participants, the early-stage case of MELiSsa (Fabrizio Fattori)
- Building an open database of power plants (Johannes Friedrich)
- A very brief update on two projects: Open Power System Data (OPSD) and (Stefan Pfenninger)
- mosaik: A flexible smart grid co-simulation framework (Jan Sören Schwarz)
- Current Model Development and Data Management at IIASA (Matthew Gidden)
- Renewable energy potential considering theroretical, legal, technical and economic constraints (Pietro Zambelli)
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