This is the wiki page for the upcoming Sixth Workshop of the Open Energy Modelling Initiative, a grass-roots organization of modellers from various research institutes, universities and companies. The workshop will take place in Frankfurt, Germany hosted by the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (see Events for previous workshops). The workshop will take place either 20-21 or 27-28 April 2017. Since the workshop is run by volunteers, there is no registration fee, so feel free to join!
This wiki page will be updated frequently with a programme and practical information. All participants are invited to contribute suggestions of different sessions to be included in the programme. In the meantime, feel free to register on the mailing list where all things regarding energy modelling are discussed.
This time it has been suggested that as well as the two-day workshop, there could be an optional day before the workshop with tutorials on technical topics for people getting started in open energy modelling.
Day 1 (Wednesday, optional): Tutorials / Software Carpentry
Days 2 and 3 (Thursday, Friday): Main Workshop
Day 4 (Saturday, optional): Walk through vineyards of Rheingau / Tour of Frankfurt / Museums Tour (if raining)
Potential Tutorial Topics
This is a list of potential tutorial topics that could be covered in an optional day before the workshop begins.
Please add suggestions to this list; add your name (linked to your wiki profile) in brackets if you would be prepared to lead such a tutorial.
- Getting started with Python
- Optimization in Python
- Using git and github
- Using GIS tools QGIS, PostGIS, etc.
- Oedb?
- Oemof?
- Modelling electricity networks in Python with PyPSA (Tom Brown, Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies)
- Open online energy databases: review, update, status, issues, usage?
It may be useful to devote some time to discussing more political agendas like campaigning for open data and for anonymous code distribution? And also for some housekeeping matters like selecting/using discussion forums/chat rooms? I made some sections on the Discussion page — please leave your comments there. (suggestion by Robbie Morrison)
Practical information
Venue: Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies
Getting there: How to find us
Map: OpenStreetMap
International train connections: Brussels (3 hours), Berlin (4 hours), Denmark (8 hours via Hamburg), London (7 hours via Brussels), Milan (7 hours via Basel), Paris (4 hours)