Showing 25 pages using this property.
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AMIRIS + |;;; |
ASSUME + | |
Antares-Simulator + | - RTE, "Energy Pathways to 2050",
- Lauvergne, Rémi, Yannick Perez, Mathilde Françon, et Alberto Tejeda De La Cruz. « Integration of Electric Vehicles into Transmission Grids: A Case Study on Generation Adequacy in Europe in 2040 ». Applied Energy 326 (15 novembre 2022): 120030.
- Lynch, Arthur, Yannick Perez, Sophie Gabriel, et Gilles Mathonniere. « Nuclear Fleet Flexibility: Modeling and Impacts on Power Systems with Renewable Energy ». Applied Energy 314 (15 mai 2022): 118903.
- Houghton, T., K. R. W. Bell, et M. Doquet. « Offshore Transmission for Wind: Comparing the Economic Benefits of Different Offshore Network Configurations ». Renewable Energy 94 (1 août 2016): 268‑79.
- A. T. Samuel, A. Aldamanhori, A. Ravikumar and G. Konstantinou, "Stochastic Modeling for Future Scenarios of the 2040 Australian National Electricity Market using ANTARES," 2020 International Conference on Smart Grids and Energy Systems (SGES), Perth, Australia, 2020, pp. 761-766, doi: 10.1109/SGES51519.2020.00141. |
AnyMOD + | Hainsch et al. (2020), European Green Deal: Using Ambitious Climate Targets and Renewable Energy to Climb out of the Economic Crisis, DIW Weekly Report. |
B | |
Balmorel + | H. Ravn et al.: Balmorel: A Model for Analyses of the Electricity and CHP Markets in the Baltic Sea Region (2001), |
Breakthrough Energy Model + | Yixing Xu, Daniel Olsen, Bainan Xia, Dan Livengood, Victoria Hunt, Yifan Li, and Lane Smith. 2021. “A 2030 United States Macro Grid: Unlocking Geographical Diversity to Accomplish Clean Energy Goals.” Seattle, WA: Breakthrough Energy Sciences. |
C | |
Calliope + | Simon Morgenthaler, Wilhelm Kuckshinrichs and Dirk Witthaut (2020). Optimal system layout and locations for fully renewable high temperature co-electrolysis. Applied Energy, doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.114218
C. Del Pero, F. Leonforte, F. Lombardi, N. Stevanato, J. Barbieri, N. Aste, H. Huerto, E. Colombo (2019). Modelling Of An Integrated Multi-Energy System For A Nearly Zero Energy Smart District. 2019 International Conference on Clean Electrical Power (ICCEP) (pp. 246–252). doi: 10.1109/ICCEP.2019.8890129
Adriaan Hilbers, David Brayshaw and Axel Gandy (2019). Importance subsampling: improving power system planning under climate-based uncertainty. Applied Energy, doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.04.110
Francesco Lombardi, Matteo Vincenzo Rocco and Emanuela Colombo (2019). A multi-layer energy modelling methodology to assess the impact of heat-electricity integration strategies: the case of the residential cooking sector in Italy. Energy, doi: 10.1016/
Bryn Pickering and Ruchi Choudhary (2019). District energy system optimisation under uncertain demand: Handling data-driven stochastic profiles. Applied Energy 236, 1138–1157. doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2018.12.037
Bryn Pickering and Ruchi Choudhary (2018). Mitigating risk in district-level energy investment decisions by scenario optimisation, in: Proceedings of BSO 2018. Presented at the 4th Building Simulation and Optimization Conference, Cambridge, UK, pp. 38–45. PDF in Conference proceedings
Bryn Pickering and Ruchi Choudhary (2017). Applying Piecewise Linear Characteristic Curves in District Energy Optimisation. Proceedings of the 30th ECOS Conference, San Diego, CA, 2-6 July 2017. PDF link
Stefan Pfenninger (2017). Dealing with multiple decades of hourly wind and PV time series in energy models: a comparison of methods to reduce time resolution and the planning implications of inter-annual variability. Applied Energy. doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.03.051
Paula Díaz Redondo, Oscar Van Vliet and Anthony Patt (2017). Do We Need Gas as a Bridging Fuel? A Case Study of the Electricity System of Switzerland. Energies, 10 (7), p. 861. doi: 10.3390/en10070861
Paula Díaz Redondo and Oscar Van Vliet (2016). Modelling the Energy Future of Switzerland after the Phase Out of Nuclear Power Plants. Energy Procedia. doi: 10.1016/j.egypro.2015.07.843
Mercè Labordena and Johan Lilliestam (2015). Cost and Transmission Requirements for Reliable Solar Electricity from Deserts in China and the United States. Energy Procedia. doi: 10.1016/j.egypro.2015.07.850
Stefan Pfenninger and James Keirstead (2015). Renewables, nuclear, or fossil fuels? Comparing scenarios for the Great Britain electricity system. Applied Energy, 152, pp. 83-93. doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2015.04.102
Stefan Pfenninger and James Keirstead (2015). Comparing concentrating solar and nuclear power as baseload providers using the example of South Africa. Energy. doi: 10.1016/ |
D | |
DIETER + |,, |
Dispa-SET + | Existing or ongoing case studies for Bolivia, Greece, Ireland, Netherlands, Belgium |
DynPP + | Hübel, M., Meinke, S., Nocke, J., Hassel, E., Identification of Energy Storage Capacities within large-scale Power Plants and Development of Control Strategies to increase marketable Grid Services, ASME 2015 Power and Energy Conversion Conference, June 28-July 2, 2015, San Diego, USA
Hübel, M., Prause, J., Gierow, C., Meinke, M. Hassel, E., Simulation of Ancillary Services in Thermal Power Plants in Energy Systems with High Impact of Renewable Energy, Power Energy Conference 2017, Charlotte, USA |
E | |
ELTRAMOD + | Schreiber, S., Zöphel, C., Möst, D., 2021. Optimal Energy Portfolios in the Electricity Sector: Trade-offs and Interplay between Different Flexibility Options, in: Möst, D., Schreiber, S., Herbst, A., Jakob, M., Martino, A., Poganietz, W.-R. (Eds.), The Future European Energy System - Renewable Energy, Flexibility Options and Technological Progress. Springer International Publishing.
Anke, C.-P.; Hobbie, H.; Schreiber, S.; Möst, D.: Coal phase-outs and carbon prices: Interactions between EU emission trading and national carbon mitigation policies. In: Energy Policy Vol. 144 (2020), Nr. 111647
Zöphel, Christoph; Schreiber, Steffi; Herbst, A.; Klinger, A-L; Manz, P.; Heitel, S.; Fermi, F.; Wyrwa, A.; Raczynski, M.; Reiter, U. D4.3 Report on cost optimal energy technology portfolios for system flexibility in the sectors heat, electricity and mobility. In: Report des REFLEX Projektes (2019)
Energy System Analysis Agency (ESA²): Shaping our energy system - combining European modelling expertise, Brüssel, 2013.
Gunkel, D.; Kunz, F.; Müller, T., von Selasinsky, A.; Möst, D.: Storage Investment or
Transmission Expansion: How to Facilitate Renewable Energy Integration in Europe?.
Tagungsband VDE-Kongress Smart Grid - Intelligente Energieversorgung der Zukunft, 2012.
Müller, T.: Influence of increasing renewable feed-in on the operation of conventional and
storage power plants. 1st KIC InnoEnergy Scientist Conference, Leuven, 2012.
Müller, T.; Gunkel, D.; Möst, D.: Renewable curtailment and its impact on grid and storage
capacities in 2030, Enerday Conference, Dresden 2013. |
ESO-X + | Heuberger CF, Staffell I, Shah N, Mac Dowell N, 2017, The changing costs of technology and the optimal investment timing in the power sector
Heuberger CF, Mac Dowell N, 2018, Real-World Challenges with a Rapid Transition to 100% Renewable Power Systems, Joule, Vol: 2, Pages: 367-370
Heuberger CF, Staffell I, Shah N, Mac Dowell N, 2018, Impact of myopia and disruptive events in power systems planning, Nature Energy, doi:10.1038/s41560-018-0159-3
Heuberger CF, Staffell I, Shah N, Mac Dowell N, 2017, A systems approach to quantifying the value of power generation and energy storage technologies in future electricity networks, COMPUTERS & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, Vol: 107, Pages: 247-256, ISSN: 0098-1354
Heuberger CF, Staffell I, Shah N, Mac Dowell N, 2017, Valuing Flexibility in CCS Power Plants, IEAGHG Technical Report, |
Energy Transition Model + |, |
EnergyScope + | Limpens G, Moret S, Guidati G, Li X, Maréchal F, Jeanmart H. The role of storage in the Swiss energy transition. Proceedings of ECOS2019, june 23-28, 2019, Wroclaw, Poland. 2019 pages 761-774
Limpens, G., Jeanmart, H., & Maréchal, F. (2020). Belgian Energy Transition: What Are the Options?. Energies, 13(1), 261. |
G | |
GAMAMOD + | Hauser, P.; Heidari, S.; Weber, C.; Möst, D.: Does Increasing Natural Gas Demand in the Power Sector Pose a Threat of Congestion to the German Gas Grid? A Model-Coupling Approach, Energies 2019, 12(11) 2159 |
GAMAMOD-DE + | Hauser, P.; Heidari, S.; Weber, C.; Möst, D.: Does Increasing Natural Gas Demand in the Power Sector Pose a Threat of Congestion to the German Gas Grid? A Model-Coupling Approach, Energies 2019, 12(11) 2159 |
M | |
Maon + | |
MicroGridsPy + | -Nicolò Stevanato, Francesco Lombardi, Emanuela Colombo, Sergio Balderrama, Sylvain Quoilin, Two-Stage Stochastic Sizing of a Rural Micro-Grid Based on Stochastic Load Generation, 2019 IEEE Milan PowerTech, Milan, Italy, 2019, pp. 1-6.
-Nicolò Stevanato, Francesco Lombardi, Giulia Guidicini, Lorenzo Rinaldi, Sergio Balderrama, Matija Pavičević, Sylvain Quoilin, Emanuela Colombo, Long-term sizing of rural microgrids: Accounting for load evolution through multi-step investment plan and stochastic optimization, Energy for Sustainable Development (2020), 58, pp. 16-29,
-Nicolò Stevanato, Lorenzo Rinaldi, Stefano Pistolese, Sergio Balderrama, Sylvain Quoilin, Emanuela Colombo, Modeling of a Village-Scale Multi-Energy System for the Integrated Supply of Electric and Thermal Energy, Applied Sciences (2020), |
MultiMod + | Currently used within EMF 31 ( |
N | |
NEMO (SEI) + | |
O | |
OnSSET + | IEA World Energy Outlook 2014, IEA World Energy Outlook 2015, IEA and World Bank Global Tracking Framework 2015 |
P | |
POMATO + | Schönheit, Weinhold, Dierstein (2020), The impact of different strategies for generation shift keys (GSKs) on the flow-based market coupling domain: A model-based analysis of Central Western Europe.
Weinhold, Richard, and Robert Mieth. 2020. “Fast Security-Constrained Optimal Power Flow Through Low-Impact and Redundancy Screening.” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 35 (6): 4574–84.
Weinhold, Richard. 2021. “Evaluating Policy Implications on the Restrictiveness of Flow-Based Market Coupling with High Shares of Intermittent Generation: A Case Study for Central Western Europe.” ArXiv preprint 2109.04940v1.
Weinhold, Richard, and Robert Mieth. 2021. “Uncertainty-Aware Capacity Allocation in Flow-Based Market Coupling.” ArXiv preprint 2109.04968v2. |
PyPSA + | |
Q | |
QuaSi - GenSim + | To cite a specific version of GenSim, use:
Maile, T., Marx, S., Ott, E., Peter, M., Steinacker, H., & Stickel, M. (2023). GenSim v2.15 - Generic Building Simulation (part of QuaSi) (release). Zenodo. |