Gas Market Model
by Technische Universität Dresden (EE2)
Authors: Lucas De La Fuente; Philipp Hauser
Contact: Lucas De La Fuente
The gas market model GAMAMOD is a bottom-up model used to determine and analyze the optimal natural gas supply structure in Germany and to examine the utilization of the natural gas infrastructure. In its basic version, the model is a Linear Program with a high spatial resolution and daily time steps. It contains more than 800 nodes and 1200 edges, while also taking into account parallel transmission lines, storage, and changes to demand and the grid as year progress. It's main outputs are optimal flow, imports, storage usage and retrofitting.
GAMAMOD enables the analysis of trading capacities between regional markets. Due to restricted transmission capacities, regional incidences of congestions might occur. The model allows for examining supply interruptions and their impact on the European natural gas system. As each country is modelled as a single aggregated node, no congestions occur within a market area. Furthermore, the model considers natural gas storage, which ensures security of supply in the European natural gas market.
Cyprus and Malta are isolated from the integrated European natural gas pipeline grid. Therefore, they are not considered in the model.
Based on GAMS; CPLEX. Using for data processing.
Website / Documentation
Open Source Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY-4.0)
Directly downloadable
Input data shipped
Model Scope |
Model type and solution approach |
Model class
German Transmission Grid
dispatch, investment
Geographic Resolution
NUTS0 - NUTS3, for DE
Time resolution
Network coverage
Model type
Optimization, Simulation
Computation time
Total system cost
Uncertainty modeling
Suited for many scenarios / monte-carlo
Scientific references
Hauser, Philipp (2019) : A modelling approach for the German gas gridusing highly resolved spatial, temporal and sectoral data (GAMAMOD-DE), ZBW – LeibnizInformation Centre for Economics, Kiel, Hamburg
Reports produced using the model
Hauser, P.; Heidari, S.; Weber, C.; Möst, D.: Does Increasing Natural Gas Demand in the Power Sector Pose a Threat of Congestion to the German Gas Grid? A Model-Coupling Approach, Energies 2019, 12(11) 2159
Example research questions
- Sector Coupling between electricity and gas
- Security of Supply in the German gas network
- Retrofitting Potential of German Gas Grid
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