Author institution
RWTH-Aachen University +
Alvarez, Bussar, Cai, Chen, Moraes Jr., Stöcker, Thien +
Citation doi
10.1016/j.egypro.2014.01.156 +
Citation references
Bussar et. al, 2014, Optimal Allocation and Capacity of Energy Storage Systems in a Future European Power System with 100% Renewable Energy Generation
Contact persons
Christian Bussar +
Data availability
all +
dispatch +
, investment +
24 h foresight for storage operation +
Example research questions
How much storage systems of which technolo … How much storage systems of which technology needs to be implemented in the future energy system.
How big are the transfer capacities between regions.
How much renewable generator power of which technology are necessary?
How much conventional generators are allowed within assumed CO2 emission limits?llowed within assumed CO2 emission limits?
Full Model Name
Genetic Optimisation of a European Energy Supply System +
Europe, North Africa, Middle East +
EUMENA, 21 regions +
Is suited for many scenarios
false +
GNU Library or "Lesser" General Public License version 2.1 (LGPL-2.1) +
Math modeltype
Optimization +
, Simulation +
Math modeltype shortdesc
optimisation of system combination with evolutionary strategy
simulation of operation with hierarchical management strategy and linear load balancing between regions (network simplex) +
Math objective
minimise levelised cost of electricity +
Model class
Electricity System Model +
Model source public
false +
Modelling software
C++, boost library, MySQL and QT4, (optional CPLEX solver implementation) +
Network coverage
transmission +
, net transfer capacities +
Open future
false +
Open source licensed
true +
Processing software
Excel/Matlab and a Visualisation tool programmed in QT4 (c++) +
Electricity +
Source download
http://Form%20on%20website +
Renewables +
, Conventional Generation +
Text description
The GENESYS Simulation tool has the centra … The GENESYS Simulation tool has the central target so optimise the future European power system (electricity) with a high share of renewable generation. It can find an economic optimal distribution of generators, storage and grid in a 21 region Europe.
The optimisation is based on a covariance matrix adaption evolution strategy (CMA-ES) while the operation is simulated as a hierarchical setup of system elements aiming to balance the load at minimal cost.
GENESYS comes with a set of input time-series and a parameter set for 2050 which can be adjusted by the user.
It was developed as open source within a publicly funded project and its development is currently continued at RWTH Aachen University.ently continued at RWTH Aachen University.
Hour +
| +
Creation dateThis property is a special property in this wiki.
9 December 2014 12:39:54 +
Has improper value forThis property is a special property in this wiki.
Computation time minutes +
, Contact email +
Categories |
Model +
Last editor isThis property is a special property in this wiki.
User:Cbussar +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki.
13 December 2017 13:04:19 +
Is a new pageThis property is a special property in this wiki.
false +