Showing 25 pages using this property.
G | |
Genesys + | Bussar et. al, 2014, Optimal Allocation and Capacity of Energy Storage Systems in a Future European Power System with 100% Renewable Energy Generation |
H | |
HighRES + | Zeyringer, M., Price, J., Fais, B., Li, P.-H. & Sharp, E. Designing low-carbon power systems for Great Britain in 2050 that are robust to the spatiotemporal and inter-annual variability of weather. Nat. Energy 3, 395–403 (2018) |
M | |
MOCES + | L. Exel, F. Felgner and G. Frey, "Multi-domain modeling of distributed energy systems - The MOCES approach," 2015 IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), Miami, FL, 2015, pp. 774-779. |
Maon + | Maon GmbH, Handbook, |
Medea + | |
MicroGridsPy + | Sergio Balderrama, Francesco Lombardi, Fabio Riva, Walter Canedo, Emanuela Colombo, Sylvain Quoilin, A two-stage linear programming optimization framework for isolated hybrid microgrids in a rural context: The case study of the “El Espino” community, Energy (2019), 188, |
Mosaik + | A. Ofenloch et al., "MOSAIK 3.0: Combining Time-Stepped and Discrete Event Simulation," 2022 Open Source Modelling and Simulation of Energy Systems (OSMSES), 2022, pp. 1-5 |
MultiMod + | Daniel Huppmann & Ruud Egging (2014). Market power, fuel substitution and infrastructure - A large-scale equilibrium model of global energy markets. Energy, 75, 483–500. |
N | |
NEMO (SEI) + | In preparation |
O | |
OnSSET + | Mentis, Dimitrios; Welsch, Manuel; Fuso Nerini, Francesco; Broad, Oliver; Howells, Mark; Bazilian, Morgan; Rogner, Holger (December 2015). "A GIS-based approach for electrification planning: a case study on Nigeria". Energy for Sustainable Development. 29: 142–150. doi:10.1016/j.esd.2015.09.007. ISSN 0973-0826. |
OpenTUMFlex + | Zade, M.; You, Z.; Kumaran Nalini, B.; Tzscheutschler, P.; Wagner, U. Quantifying the Flexibility of Electric Vehicles in Germany and California—A Case Study. Energies 2020, 13, 5617. |
P | |
PLEXOS Open EU + | |
POMATO + | Weinhold, Richard, and Robert Mieth. 2021. “Power Market Tool (POMATO) for the Analysis of Zonal Electricity Markets.” SoftwareX 16 (December): 100870. |
Pandapipes + | |
Pandapower + | L. Thurner, A. Scheidler, F. Schäfer et al, pandapower - an Open Source Python Tool for Convenient Modeling, Analysis and Optimization of Electric Power Systems, in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 6510-6521, Nov. 2018 |
PowNet + | Chowdhury, A.F.M.K., Kern, J., Dang, T.D. and Galelli, S., 2020. PowNet: A Network-Constrained Unit Commitment/Economic Dispatch Model for Large-Scale Power Systems Analysis. Journal of Open Research Software, 8(1), p.5. |
Pvlib python + | William F. Holmgren, Clifford W. Hansen, and Mark A. Mikofski. “pvlib python: a python package for modeling solar energy systems.” Journal of Open Source Software, 3(29), 884, (2018). |
PyPSA + | Journal of Open Research Software, 2018, 6 (1) |
Q | |
QuaSi - GenSim + | Maile, T.; Steinacker, H.; Stickel, M.W.; Ott, E.; Kley, C. Automated Generation of Energy Profiles for Urban Simulations. Energies 2023, 16, 6115. |
QuaSi - ReSiE + | Ott, E.; Steinacker, H.; Stickel, M.; Kley, C. and Fisch, M.N.: Dynamic open-source simulation engine for generic modeling of district-scale energy systems with focus on sector coupling and complex operational strategies, 2023, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2600 022009 |
QuaSi - SoDeLe + | Heiner Steinacker, Jonas Mucke: SoDeLe v2.0.0: Solarsimulation denkbar leicht. 2024 |
R | |
REopt + | |
Renpass + | Wiese, F. (2015). renpass - Renewable Energy Pathways Simulation System - Open Source as an approach to meet challenges in energy modeling. Dissertation. Europa-Universität Flensburg. |
S | |
SMS++ + | under construction |
SciGRID power + | C. Matke, et al., Paper: (2017) Structure Analysis of the German Transmission Network Using the Open Source Model SciGRID. In: Bertsch V., Fichtner W., Heuveline V., Leibfried T. (eds) Advances in Energy System Optimization. Trends in Mathematics. Birkhäuser, Cham. |