Author institution
Delft University of Technology +
Jörn C. Richstein, Emile Chappin, Pradyumna Bhagwat, Laurens de Vries +
Citation doi
10.1016/j.enpol.2014.03.037 +
Citation references
Richstein et al. 2014, Cross-border electricity market effects due to price caps in an emission trading system: An agent-based approach, Energy Policy Volume 71, August 2014, Pages 139–158
Computation time comments
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Computation time minutes
60 +
Contact email
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Contact persons
Jörn C. Richstein +
Data availability
some +
dispatch +
, investment +
Limited foresight, optional risk aversion +
Example research questions
- What is the effect of carbon price caps?
- How is the market stability reserve going to effect the EU ETS?
- What long-term effects does a capacity market have?
Full Model Name
EMLab-Generation +
Central Western Europe +
Zones +
Is suited for many scenarios
true +
Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0) +
Math modeltype
Simulation +
, Agent-based +
Model class
Agent-based Simulation +
Model source public
true +
Modelling software
Java +
Network coverage
net transfer capacities +
Open future
true +
Open source licensed
true +
Processing software
R +
Electricity Market +
, Carbon Market +
Source download
| +
Renewables +
, Conventional Generation +
Text description
The main purpose is to explore the long-te … The main purpose is to explore the long-term effects of interacting energy and climate policies by means of a simulation model of power companies investing in generation capacity. With this model, we study the influence of policy on investment in the electricity market in order to explicate possible effects of current and alternative/additional policies on the various sector goals, i.e. renewables targets, CO2 emission targets, security of supply and affordability. The methodology, agent-based modelling, allows for a different set of assumptions different as to the mainstream models for such questions: this model can explore heterogeneity of actors, consequences of imperfect expectations and investment behaviour outside of ideal conditions.ent behaviour outside of ideal conditions.
Year +
| +
Creation dateThis property is a special property in this wiki.
13 January 2015 09:56:03 +
Categories |
Model +
Last editor isThis property is a special property in this wiki.
User:Florian Maurer +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki.
17 April 2024 12:12:01 +
Is a new pageThis property is a special property in this wiki.
false +