Author institution
NC State University +
Joe DeCarolis, Kevin Hunter, Binghui Li, Sarat Sreepathi +
Citation doi
10.1016/j.eneco.2013.07.014 +
Citation references
Hunter, K., Sreepathi, S., DeCarolis, J. F. (2013). Modeling for insight using tools for energy model optimization and analysis (TEMOA). Energy Economics, 40, 339-349.
Computation time comments
varies with chosen solver
Computation time minutes
5 +
Contact email
| +
Contact persons
Joe DeCarolis +
Data availability
all +
investment +
stochastic optimization, moeling-to-generate alternatives +
Example research questions
1. How does uncertainty in technology-spec … 1. How does uncertainty in technology-specific characteristics (e.g., capital cost of solar PV) affect outcomes of interest (e.g., fuel prices, fossil fuel consumption, air emissions)?
2. Which technologies and fuels appear to be robust options given uncertainty in future climate
policy and rates of technology learning?
3. How much flexibility exists in energy system design and at what cost? in energy system design and at what cost?
Full Model Name
Tools for Energy Model Optimization and Analysis +
U.S., currently +
single region +
Is suited for many scenarios
true +
GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0) +
Math modeltype
Optimization +
Math modeltype shortdesc
The model objective is to minimize the present cost of energy supply by deploying and utilizing energy technologies and commodities over time to meet a set of exogenously specified end-use demands. +
Math objective
Cost minimization +
Model class
energy system optimization model +
Model source public
true +
Modelling software
Python (Pyomo) +
Open future
false +
Open source licensed
true +
Processing software
SQLite +
all +
Source download
| +
Renewables +
, Conventional Generation +
Text description
Tools for Energy Model Optimization and Analysis (Temoa) is an open source framework used to conduct analysis with a bottom-up, technology rich energy system model.
Multi year +
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Creation dateThis property is a special property in this wiki.
4 August 2015 16:09:50 +
Categories |
Model +
Last editor isThis property is a special property in this wiki.
User:Joe DeCarolis +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki.
4 August 2015 16:15:33 +
Is a new pageThis property is a special property in this wiki.
false +