Demand for Energy Services, Supply and Transmission in Europe
by Imperial College London
Authors: Iain Staffell, Richard Green
Contact: Iain Staffell
The DESSTINEE model (Demand for Energy Services, Supply and Transmission in EuropE) a model of the European energy system in 2050, with a focus on the electricity system. The model is designed to test assumptions about the technical requirements for energy transport (particularly for electricity), and the scale of the economic challenge to develop the necessary infrastructure. Forty countries are considered in and around Europe, and 10 forms of primary and secondary energy. The model uses a predictive simulation technique, rather than solving a partial or general equilibrium. Data is therefore specified by the user (exogenously), and the model calculates a set of answers for the given set of assumptions.
The DESSTINEE model is available as a set of standalone Excel spreadsheets which perform three tasks:
1. Project annual energy demands at country-level forwards to 2050;
2. Synthesise hourly profiles for electricity demand in 2010 and 2050;
3. Simulate the least-cost generation and transmission of electricity around the continent.
Based on Excel / VBA. Using Excel / VBA for data processing.
Website / Documentation
Open Source Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 (CC-BY-SA-3.0)
Directly downloadable
Input data shipped
Model Scope |
Model type and solution approach |
Model class
All / Electricity
Renewables, Conventional Generation
Europe, North Africa
Geographic Resolution
Time resolution
Network coverage
net transfer capacities
Model type
Annual projection: simple arithmetic
Hourly load curve production: partial decomposition
Electricty system dispatch: Merit order stack with transmission constraints
Thousands / millions"Thousands / millions" is not a number.
Computation time
Annual projection = seconds; Load curves = 2 minutes; Power dispatch = minutes to hours"minutes;Powerdispatch=minutestohours" is not declared as a valid unit of measurement for this property. minutes
Costs, welfare, carbon emissions, fuel mixes
Uncertainty modeling
Suited for many scenarios / monte-carlo
Scientific references
T. Bossmann and I. Staffell, 2016. The shape of future electricity demand: Exploring load curves in 2050s Germany and Britain. Energy, 90(20), 1317–1333.
Example research questions
How much transmission will Europe need in 2050
How will electricity demand change in 2050 under different decarbonisation pathways
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