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Pages using the property "Contact persons"
Showing 25 pages using this property.
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E | |
EnergyRt + | Oleg Lugovoy + |
EnergyScope + | Gauthier Limpens + |
F | |
Ficus + | Dennis Atabay + |
FlexiGIS + | Alaa Alhamwi + |
G | |
GAMAMOD + | Lucas De La Fuente + |
GAMAMOD-DE + | Lucas De La Fuente + |
GENeSYS-MOD + | Löffler, Konstantin + |
GRIMSEL-FLEX + | Arthur Rinaldi + |
Genesys + | Christian Bussar + |
GridCal + | Santiago Peñate Vera + |
I | |
IRENA FlexTool + | Juha Kiviluoma + |
L | |
Lemlab + | Sebastian Dirk Lumpp + |
LoadProfileGenerator + | Noah Pflugradt + |
M | |
MEDEAS + | Jordi Solé + |
MOCES + | Lukas Exel + |
Maon + | Dr. Mihail Ketov + |
Medea + | Sebastian Wehrle + |
MicroGridsPy + | Nicolo' Stevanato + |
MultiMod + | Daniel Huppmann + |
N | |
NEMO + | Ben Elliston + |
NEMO (SEI) + | Jason Veysey + |
O | |
OSeMOSYS + | Mark Howells, Will Usher, Abhishek Shivakumar, Manuel Welsch, Vignesh Sridharan + |
Oemof + | Stephan Günther, Simon Hilpert, Cord Kaldemeyer, Uwe Krien, Caroline Möller, Guido Plessmann, Clemens Wingenbach et al. + |
OnSSET + | Dimitrios Mentis + |
OpenTEPES + | Andres Ramos + |
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