Showing 25 pages using this property.
A | |
ASAM + | Redispatch design in the Netherlands |
ASSUME + | What influence does the availability of different order types on a market have?
How can deep reinforcement learning for multiple markets be implemented in software?
What is the best way for demand-side management to be implemented in bidding agents?
How can different energy market designs be modelled in energy market simulations? |
Antares-Simulator + | What are the best investment options to efficiently decarbonize the European energy sector?
What is the operational cost of a given pan-european energy mix?
What can be the added value of reinforcing the transmission grid on a given border? |
AnyMOD + | Pathways for the decarbonisation of the European energy system until 2050 |
B | |
Backbone + | Cost efficient future energy systems with high shares of variable power generation. Exploring the impact of operational details on energy system planning. Optimizing the use of storages and energy intensive processes that have days-long time delays (model temporal structure can change during the horizon). |
C | |
CapacityExpansion + | CapacityExpansioncan be applied to plan and validate a variety of energy systems. Thefocus on time-series aggregation, storage modelling, and integration of multiple energy carriersmake it especially valuable for the planning and validation of future energy systems with highershares of non-dispatchable generation and sector coupling technologie |
D | |
DESSTinEE + | How much transmission will Europe need in 2050
How will electricity demand change in 2050 under different decarbonisation pathways |
DIETER + | Which capacities of various flexibility / sector coupling options prove to be optimal under different shares of renewables, and what are their effects on quantities and prices? |
Dispa-SET + | Influence of self-consumption and distributed generation; Influence of electric vehicles; Influence of high shares of renewables; Flexibility provided by DSM and power-to-heat; ... |
DynPP + | Which potential of Flexibility can be provided by specific thermal power plants? |
E | |
EMLab-Generation + | - What is the effect of carbon price caps?
- How is the market stability reserve going to effect the EU ETS?
- What long-term effects does a capacity market have? |
EMMA + | Long-term market value of wind and solar power; Optimal share of wind and solar power in electricity generation; Explaining electricity price development |
Energy Transition Model + | What would happen (to reliability, CO2, cost) if we close all non-profitable power plants?
Which combinations of options can we use to reach a certain goal (in sustainability, cost, import dependence etc.)? |
EnergyNumbers-Balancing + | In Britain, how much wind & PV generation would be constrained, and what proportion of demand would get met in real time, assuming half-hourly demand as it was 2011-2015, and X% aggregate wind penetration, Y% aggregate PV penetration, and power-to-gas storage with an input efficiency of A%, an output efficiency of B%, storage capacity of C TWh, an input capacity of D GW, and an output capacity of E GW. |
EnergyScope + | Role of storage?
Benefit of electrification?
How to handle high shares of renewables?
What is the impact of uncertainties on investment decisions? |
G | |
GAMAMOD + | - Sector Coupling between electricity and gas
- Security of Supply in the German gas network
- Retrofitting Potential of German Gas Grid |
GAMAMOD-DE + | - Sector Coupling between electricity and gas
- Security of Supply in the German gas network
- Retrofitting Potential of German Gas Grid |
GENeSYS-MOD + | Modeling the low-carbon transition of the European energy system — a quantitative assessment of the stranded assets problem
Decarbonizing China's energy system — Modeling the transformation of the electricity, transportation, heat, and industrial sectors
Energy transition scenarios: what policies, societal attitudes, and technology developments will realize the EU Green Deal? |
Genesys + | How much storage systems of which technology needs to be implemented in the future energy system.
How big are the transfer capacities between regions.
How much renewable generator power of which technology are necessary?
How much conventional generators are allowed within assumed CO2 emission limits? |
M | |
MicroGridsPy + | -Long-term sizing of rural microgrids
-Load evolution |
MultiMod + | Scenarios regarding North American shale gas development, Russian supply disruption to Europe, evaluation of renewable support measures (feed-in tariffs vs. emission quota)
Model variations (forks) used for other research projects by international partners (see short description for details) |
N | |
NEMO (SEI) + | Climate change mitigation, net-zero pathways, national energy strategies |
O | |
OpenTEPES + | Energy transition analysis
* Linkage with energy system models (integrated assessment models IAM) to refine the representation of the power sector
* National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) 2030 for Spain
Storage analysis
* Cost-benefit analysis (CBA) of candidate pumped-hydro storage units
* Future ESS role (batteries vs. pumped-hydro storage vs. CSP)
* Penetration of EV and type of charge
* Impact of local energy communities (LEC) on transmission investments with detailed representation of storage hydro
Security of supply
* Technologies providing firmness and flexibility to the system |
OpenTUMFlex + | How can prosumer offer flexibility to the grid?
Can prosumer flexibility be quantified? |
P | |
PLEXOS Open EU + | Cost of electricity in 2020
Congestion on Lines
Impact of carbon prices |